So here I am, (b)logging back on, for the first time since January 28th.
Happily, the new job is going great - and one of my favourite perks, as a paper-crafting, stationery & letter-writing fanatic, is my new business card. May I indulge myself and show one off here? (Please say yes!)
Equally happily, my hiatus from blogging has not prevented me from writing & posting copious amounts of mail, nor from receiving it. Just last night - since the retirement of our excellent postman, our condo's mail call often comes at 5-6 pm, for some reason - I picked up these little gems.
First, a big, fat letter from a dear friend in Iceland - thank you, Birna! Iceland is one of my fave countries in the world, for its spectacular scenery, colourful architecture & clothing, and erudite yet earthy culture.
Second, a wonderful letter, filled with Swiss work & travel adventures, from a lovely friend in Germany - thank you, Diana! Every epistle includes fascinating folk tales and history from her wanders in Switzerland, transporting me to the beautiful land of Heidi.
And third, a lengthy missive from a long-time friend in Singapore - thank you, Teng Pei! We have fascinating conversations about everything from religion, to raising small children, to cultural differences between our two countries.
It's coming up on mail call time again...better go check the mailbox. See you next time!